March 1st Open Day postponed
Due to the ongoing bad weather, we've sadly had to make the decision to postpone our open day until things dry out a bit- hopefully late...
Crow Wood CIC
March 1st Open Day postponed
Dolmades and grape juice, anyone?
Our volunteers are fab!
It hardly rained at all today!
Where there’s muck...
Catching up with the work...
Ciara and Dennis make a mess...
New art group!
Compost, cuttings and cake- it must be Chatsworth prep time!
No more muddy paths!
National Lottery Community Funding bid success!
Willow, sawing, gates... we’re getting there!
The Arty bunch again...
A shout out to the workers!
Well, this is one way to put up a tipi...
We’re going to Chatsworth Show!
12 bags of sharp sand, 11 concrete paving slabs...
Caterpillar, bumble bee
Give Frazer a lever long enough...