News: Volunteers and sunshine at the allotment
Crow Wood CIC
News: Summer creativity for primary children!
There will be a short delay...
Join in - help manage this gorgeous area!
Activity of the day: Traditional “wet” potpourri
Activity of the day: Cricket season (also grasshoppers)
Definitely not cuddly caterpillars!
Activity of the Day: Make a mini flower tree
Activity of the day: Layered paper flowers
Activity of the day: Folded paper flowers
Recipe: campfire sausage and fries
News: small Yurt art group starts back
Activity of the day: Make an oat, rice or bean herbal microwave hot bag
Recipe: Jenny's amazing easy pickled beetroot
Recipe: Campfire frying pan pizza
Recipe: Summer fruits pavlova
Recipe: All sorts of fizz!
Activity of the day: Getready for more citizen science- make a simple quadrat
Activity of the day: Arrange flowers, grasses, seedheads and leaves
Activity of the Day: Making lavender (or other herb) bags