News: Strawberries in October?
The Saturday volunteers have been taking out the remaining squash plants, as even though they keep producing flowers, they won't be able...
Crow Wood CIC
News: Strawberries in October?
Recipe: Glossy green chard - it's still going! (into a veggie curry)
News: Making new growing areas
News: Forest school skills
News: Busy in the allotment!
News: Forest school sessions
News: Sunshine and gardening
News: Woodworking on the plot
News: Very small art...
News: Story making at the allotment
Tool care time!
News: Volunteers in the rain!
News: Wonderful veg!
News: Forest fairy cakes!
Recipe: campfire sausage and fries
Recipe: Campfire frying pan pizza
Activity of the day: Getready for more citizen science- make a simple quadrat
Recipe: Campfire curry and roti!
Greenhouse all glazed!
Greenhouse roof and sides on!